Monday 20 December 2010

Day Eighteen

Today we went to a different church since we're away for the weekend. We went to the one closest to where we were staying. It was a church of mainly new believers and they were meeting in someone's house. There were about 50 people so it was packed and it was hot but it kind of made me feel like I was in an Early Church meeting! But the Lord has a message for us; for me.

When I surrendered to Jesus and I laid the burden of my past at His feet, He gave me a precious pearl in return. I was carrying a heavy load on my shoulders and it was weighing me down but Jesus took it all and gave me a precious pearl instead. How much lighter is His load? A heavy backpack compared to a pearl?! Lord Jesus thank You that Your yoke is easy and Your burden is light. And now I have this treasure (pearl) in me (an earthen vessel) that the excellence of the power may of God and not of me.
And as we run this race, we run together sharing our pearls that we may be united and encouraged by one another.

Then we went back to the lovely home and had a wonderful lunch. We had a lady over for lunch who I found quite difficult to handle. She said some very harsh things that were not directed to me but I took offense for the people it was directed to especially because one of them was sitting at the table with us. Something rose up in me which was ugly and I didn't like it at all. I had to run to the Lord with it and I ended up taking a much needed nap.
Why do I take offense so easily? Oh Lord help me. I'm still very much a "Let's all try to be nice to each other" kind of Christian which isn't necessarily a bad thing because we are called to die to ourselves. So sometimes instead of just being free to say what we think and feel we need to die and restrain ourselves for the sake of others. And sometimes, if we're not careful, we can use that liberty as an opportunity for the flesh. She seems to be a very free person and I know I need more of that in my own life but I struggled with some things she said. But at the end of the day I'm in her country and she should be free to say what she thinks or feels. Honestly cross-cultural conflicts are God's biggest sharpening tool for me and that's probably why He puts me in contact with people from so many different cultures. It's hard sometimes but I love learning from other people's cultures and experiencing life from their perspective. It's challenging and uncomfortable but it's well worth the fruit it produces. And I can see how my time in Bible College prepared me for moments like those. And also, pearls become pearls due to much friction and we too, become more beautiful through situations like that because if we allow them, they rub away the muck in our hearts and more of Jesus shines through. Merci Jesus.

Anyway then in the evening we packed up and went to a concert in the city. Our church choir was performing at a Christmas concert by the pier and we all went to support them. It was a wonderful night! And afterwards we went back home, unpacked, ate and went to BED!

Thank You Lord for an amazing weekend :)))

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