Saturday, 11 December 2010

Day Eight

Today I spent the day babysitting one of the pastor’s little boys. He’s eleven and reminds me so much of my little brother! We had a fun time just watching cartoons and laughing. Then after we’d had lunch he told me he wanted to go on a walk to the shops because he had Rs50 pocket money and he told me his mom had said it was ok. So without even thinking twice about it we locked up the house and went to the shops. We had a lovely walk and took loads of pictures! We’d only been back in the house about 5 mins when his dad came back and he was frantic because he had come by the house earlier and we weren’t there and he didn’t know where we’d gone to. He’d gone all over looking for us and had finally decided to come home. He didn’t have my cell phone number so that made matters worse. He said I should have called to let them know where we were going because I’m new to the area and anything could have happened. I felt so bad. Like, I haven’t felt that bad in ages! They reassured me it was okay but just to check with them next time because after all I am the adult and I should not just take the child’s word for it. So as you can imagine the flood gates opened and I cried. Then they felt bad that I felt that bad. Ayo!
But I learnt a valuable lesson. As good as our intentions can sometimes be, we can still make grand mistakes! Earlier that morning, I had taken it upon myself to clean the house as well just to bless them and I felt very good about myself for doing that but alas after that whole palaver the cleaning was nothing in comparison. I needed to be humbled and boy was I. I hardly know these people and now all of a sudden our relationship was thrown into the deep end and forced to swim. And I can only pray that this is the beginning of a lasting relationship between me and that family. They are all so precious and my heart is just to serve them, mistakes and all.

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